It's more to traditional garden theme than english kind of concept.
Camner tuh?
Lets wait for the moment. Pray hard it works well! :)
Anyway, for wedding favors of our wedding reception, early discussion with my mom, we want to give our generous guests 'hand fans'.
I googled for few supplier until i found this item below in this blog.
Both my mom and I so happy for it.
However, after estimate the costs, we might not be able to give to all our guests the pretty hand fan. Sigh.
and we might not even give the VIPs the hand fans. huhuhu.
Reason being, we think it's lil bit pricey.
Mom already found her doorgifts to give to the VIPs.
I'm still looking for pretty and cute wedding favors for my close friends and somehow i still put hopes to give this items please! huhu

I want to give the 'Luxurious Silk Fan' as the wedding favors to my close friends as it suits really well with our wedding concept. Plus the box provided is really pretty too that i don't need to buy extra paper bag to put the silk fan.
It's really save the papers, save the earth too. :)
Wedding day can be really tiring sometimes especially during sunny days.
This kind of lil favors will help to cheer up the day lil bit.
at 1 of my friend's wedding. We received this hand fan as the doorgift.
My friends and I being gediks, we like to kill our boredom by posing like that.
or is it just me? :p
(muka sangat tembam kan? That pic was taken early of last year :p)
My friends and I being gediks, we like to kill our boredom by posing like that.
or is it just me? :p
(muka sangat tembam kan? That pic was taken early of last year :p)
If rezeki on our side, insyaAllah i hope i will be able to give this kind of special wed favors to my close friends who able to attend to our not fancy wedding but hopefully will be memorable enough for us!
To see other pretty wedding favors, please visit their blog:
Ole Ole Manis
aku kire 'close friend' tak??? hehe. rai, cantik kipas tu. aku sokong. kalau nak aku ngan delisha back up jadik tukang bagi souvenir pun boleyyy..haha.
Nad: hehe tq. aku tau ko suka kipas ni kan nanti boleh kipas delisha if dia kepanasan datang wedding aku. :p hehe ko mmg close friends la! grrr. ingt pakai kuning~ if anne kjr main2 ko jd backup anne to give the souvenirs ni.:p pastuh joe banned aku for buli mak orang. wuwuu
comel ah kipas tu. putih plak tu. hadoi.. terpikat sudah.
Rai!dah lame x tengok blog ko yg ni. wow sgt seronok!Can't wait for your DAY!Kipas satu!
Oshinz: samerler kita. suka sangat!
Epi: Hehe ko knr mengipas diri sendiri the whole day since u've got task on my day! :p
cntikla kipas ni.i u kata.a bit pricey.huhu.
nak kipas gak! tak kire =p
Lisa: hehe. tuh la sbb i masuk this contest. wish me luck. :)
Aju: hehe make sure ko dtg my wedding kiee! :)
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