Thursday, November 17, 2011

Akad Nikah Attire

Indah jugak masuk ofis awal.
Ofis start kol 9 pagi. sekarang 8.30 tepat da smpai ofis. Siap dah breakfast dari rumah.
Hebat kan? Something that i never do for all this while. Haha.
I always arrive office on time or slightly 10 mins late? :p
Sekarang kan share 1 keter ke tempat kjr, so suami hantar i dulu.
Walaupon i dah offer nak hantar dia luh, tp dia taknak. Sebab dia masuk 8.30 pagi.
Hurms so dia lambat sket smpai i plak terawal. Camner tuh.

Anyway, arini tentang akad nikah attire.
Attire by Nik Erwan Roseli.
Ingat post yang lepas?
Lepas dah decide nak color apa, i msg few bloggers asked for how many meter for the materials that they bought for their attire.
Thanks to Miss Yuyu and Sab yang baik melayan email saya.
So carikla kat kedai beli.
It's my first time buy lace and chiffon by myself.
I have the idea in my mind like how it suppose to be, but not sure if the designer able to do it or not.

The drama
The materials really pretty, and i feel the execution can be improved better if the designer put much effort on it.
But to my disappointment, it was herms almost become disaster.
I had 5x fitting with the designer - and imagine i had to travel from kelana jaya (which famously known for it's terrible jam at LDP after work) to shah alam for so many time just to make sure it was perfect to my body.
The last fitting, i gave up and just said ok to it - with deep disappointment inside.
I send to a tailor - ask to alter it a bit - make it loose, because the designer make it too fitted.
No, im not gain any weight at all, In fact, i lose weight.
I dun understand y the designer make it too tight at the first fitting.
Isn't any designer shud know that first fitting, shud make it loose - 2nd fitting, shud be better.
Even the chinese tailor told me, it was bad executed, and takkan the designer tak fikir this is for akad nikah, which i have to duduk bersimpuh kat bawah. If duduk, pakai ketat2, memang seksa la badan kan.
If the chinese tailor can think like dat, isn't it weird the designer not be able to think the same way?
Hurms, but i redha. Benda dah berlaku.

Yaps, i shud be thankful for at least he still wants to alter it.
Even tho he keeps on cancel our appointment.
Sorry to say, but we really had bad experience with him.
Perhaps i shud say im a blogger from the very beginning, and maybe he will treat me nicer?

Maybe other people have great experience with him, but for us, it's almost become a nightmare.
Actually the outcome not like wut you see in the picture.
I dah tangalkan beading yang pelik n nampak weird.
Bayangkan i tak boleh tido bila tengok beading yang berserabut.
So i decided to tanggalkan the beading and make it simple just like dat.
Yes, at the end, the attire looks nice and pretty altho i knew i cant fit into that anymore after this since it was too fitted to my body.

The veil
I have to ask my other designer to alter it since i dah nak muntah darah deal with him.
I tak kisah if nak patch lace kat bahagian atas, tapi make it nicer. Ni bila i tgok pon, herms i rasa sedih.
Nak taknak terpaksa make pity face ask my other designer to help to alter it.
Nasib baik my other designer baik sangat nak tolong.
Actually for akad nikah, i nak simple ajerh tp cantik.
Pastuh tgok gambar2 baju kat FierNawal i rasa sedih sbb they can execute better.
The materials lebih kurang sama, tp bayangkan FierNawal yang baru bertapak kurang setahun pon mampu buat lebih cantik.

Anyway, benda dah lepas.
Im sorry i terpaksa ceritakan jugak. Ambil masa yang lama untuk i decide nak cerita or tak.
Sebab i rasa ni memang betul2 satu penganiayaan.
I hope other brides 2 be berhati2 dlm memilih designer yang betul.
Ni kisah betul.
Mungkin orang lain menerima layanan yang sempurna dan tak seteruk saya.

Nanti, bila dah sedia, i akan sewakan untuk sesiapa yang berminat kie.
Sekarang i tgh busy. hehe

p/s: I really had GREAT experience working with the other designer. Macam langit dan bumi layanan yang diberikan padahal harga lebih kurang je for all attires. Itu i ceritakan di entry seterusnyerh ok. :)

Baju akad nikah yang akhirnyerh cantik jugak di badan dengan 1001 cerita di belakang.
5x fitting with the designer, 1x altered by tailor, veil altered by other designer.
I still feel the outcome can be nicer if the execution can be improve. wuwuu. takperla benda dah lepas.

I taknak mengaibkan sesiapa dalam hal ni. Tapi pengalaman yang i lalui sangat menyakitkan.
It's something that i have forgive but i can never forget.
Yang penting i taknak other brides to be lalui apa yang i lalui.
Sebab i tau susah nyerh kita semua bekerja keras mencari rezeki halal and we want the best for our wedding.
Yet, we've been treated like this.


Raihana said...

sweet :))

LisaLisut said...

baju u cantik raiii. hurmmm i dh byk dgr bad stories psl NER ni.tapi sbb i tak hire mana2 designer i cant say much :)
takpelah benda dh lepas.

Renee Meow said...

urghhh not another one..!! NER did it again! i baca ur entry rasa geram tol la....luckily the chinese tailor helped u dear.. huhuhu

Rilla said...

5 times fitting? Hurm takpelah, benda dah lepas. Last outcome sangat cantik :)

+ Diyana J. + said...

But it turned out really well. Gosh, you look so gorgeous! :D

Azizah green line said...

tapi still sweet la yunk baju nikah u ni.. jijah suka..lembut jer :)

Rai said...

Miss Rhana: tq dear. :)

Lisa: I baca jugak pasal dia lamabt deliver. i thought if i hantar kat dia awal, everythg ok, but i guess im wrong.

Renee: Sure u must heard alot of things about him rite?

Rilla: Yeah Rilla. 5x. Penat sangat balik kjr berkejar ke shah alam mengharungi jam. Kalau outcome puas ati takper. ada jerh yg slack every time fitting.

Diyana: Thanks Diyana. :)

Cik Azizah: Thanks Azizah. I pon suka color n material ni. sebab tuh a bit frust bila the designer buat main2.

dilla nadila said...

finally baju u superb tau.takut pulak i kalau2 jadi cm ni...i ni lagi la~asyik pendam je nak jage aty org laen.padahal dalam aty xsuke.takutnye jadi cmni =) neway outcome u pye baju memang syg la kalo u da xley nak pakai aftr this kalo ketat sgt kite pun xselesa kan

Rai said...

nadila: insyaAllah u punya tak as long u pilih the rite tailor/designer. doa byk2 n baca pengalaman other people. i punya baju boleh pakai lagi tp i taknak la sbb nti nk jaga2 perut plak. huhu. cukupla i kurus gila time nikah. skg ni i nk enjoy life. :p so i akan sewa kan utk sesaper yg sama body size cm i.

fatinfaqhtee said...

cantik .
tapi dh acap kali i dgr bad review sal designer tuh. teruklah !

Anonymous said...


kak rai, nk tnya la.. how much it cost ble hantr ke designer mcm NER @ RR 2?? just nk tau range harge.. thanks.. ;)

Rai said...

fatin: heh. tuhla. so jgn hantar baju kat dia tau. :p

anonymous: elo dear. email me kie. emaill address kat sidebar sebelah. :)

oshinz said...

kesian same u la kakak.. adoiyai, ntah macammane dia masih lagi bertahan dalam dunia designer ni. sooner or later dia mungkin akan jatuh juga. Allah bayar cash sama itu orang..

Rai said...

tuhla. or mungkin dia da byk kali jatuh tp tak sedar2 gak.

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